Sunday School

Our strategic discipleship plan for the entire congregation—from birth through retirement—starts with Sunday school. Our goal is that when our children graduate from high school they will have a true knowledge and lasting relationship with Christ that started developing as babies. As they transition to adulthood, we continue to focus on what it means to truly be disciples making disciples.

While we’ll continue to have community groups, mid-week studies and events for various groups (see more information below), the foundation for those will be built during the Sunday school hour. We encourage everyone to join us. Below you’ll find the details for each of the age groups in the church.

Family Ministry

At St. Andrew’s, we believe that every child who comes through our doors is a uniquely crafted creation, made in his image; worthy of value, dignity and unconditional love. We long for our children to know that they can boldly approach the throne of God confident of his enormous love for them, knowing they are his pride and joy, that his heart breaks with theirs and he cries at their pain.


Infants & Pre-K


Kindergarten – 5th Grade


6th Grade – High School


Adult discipleship classes are a time our community sets aside in order to plunge deeper into the “what” and “how” of living in God’s Kingdom. Taking time to submit ourselves in study under God’s Word is part of how the Spirit transforms us more in Jesus’ image by seeking the renewal of our minds.

Because we desire to study God’s Word as disciples of Jesus, not as disinterested religious students, our goal is that we would not simply walk away having acquired more information about God, but rather walk away having our hearts pierced by God’s gracious Word (Hebrews 4:12) with a greater vision for following Jesus in his Kingdom.

Gifted teachers bring to life the beauty of God’s word in an environment where relationships are built and people are able to interact in a conversational and relaxed setting. As we engage with God and his word in community with one another, we invite the Holy Spirit to come and renew our minds, reorder our priorities and reshape our habits around the person and work if Jesus Christ.

Congregational Care

One of the marks of the early church, which we see in the pages of the New Testament, is self-giving care for one another. We are not isolated individuals who gather together only to sing the same songs and hear the same preaching. If we are in Christ, we are included together in him as a new people who live together under his lordship. As a reconstituted family, Christ’s love is shared and expressed between us by supporting and caring for one another–especially during illness, pain or distress–like we would care for our “flesh-and-blood” family.

Our desire at St. Andrew’s is to faithfully practice this type of care toward our reconstituted family in Christ. We seek to practice congregational care by cultivating a team of clergy and lay people who can be present to those who are suffering in body, mind or spirit. Our congregational care team provides presence, prayer, anointing with oil, and communion whenever requested.