For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake and the Gospel’s will save it. (Mark 8:35)

St. Andrew’s is home to a variety of missions, both local and global. Use this page as a brief introduction to prayerfully explore how God may be calling you to put love into action. We each have different gifts, but we are all made for service.

For more information, contact the missions committee chair.

Local Missions

Blessing Bags are care packages created for distribution among the Little Rock homeless.

The CALL recruits and trains people from the Christian community to become foster and/or adoptive parents of children in the Arkansas foster care system and offers monthly  informational support meetings.
Pulaski County – Mary Millsap
Statewide – Doody Keet
Learn More:

Family Life is a specialist family services provider working with vulnerable children, families and communities since 1970. At the core of our organization is our vision to build capable communities, strong families and thriving children.
Contact: Jeanie Smith

Growing in Grace (GiG) is a ministry of grace and recovery with special emphasis on issues of substance abuse and addiction. Meets weekly on Tuesday nights.
Contact: Bill Carpenter

Immerse Arkansas provides wrap-around supports to help youth from crisis, ages 14-24, heal from past trauma, prepare for healthy adulthood, and pursue their dreams for the future. Supports include: basic needs (meals, laundry); housing; one-on-one coaching; life skills classes; mentorship; onsite therapy; transformational experiences.
Contacts: Morgun Wadley
Learn more:

International Friendship Outreach (IFO) is a friendship evangelism ministry. Our mission is to provide believers, from Central Arkansas churches with the opportunity to befriend internationals through our events and Conversation Club and through relationships demonstrate the unconditional love of Christ in both word and deed. It is our desire that through our witness they will  #1 Come to know Christ #2 grow in their faith and #3 return to their countries as ambassadors for Christ.
Contacts: Joshua or Courtney Kwekel
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Kairos‘ mission is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities.
Women: Susan ReasonerKim Cook
Men: John Rogers
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Kairos Outside supports women who have relatives, family or themselves been incarcerated in the county’s local, state or federal correctional facilities. KO provides a Christ-centered two-and-a-half-day weekend experience with continuing ministry through quarterly reunions and monthly support groups around the state.
Contact: Debbie Wilson
Learn More:

Live Thankfully offers high quality, brand name, gently used home decor and women’s clothing. We invite the community to partner with us by donating, shopping and volunteering. All proceeds benefit youth aging out of foster care at Immerse Arkansas. 
Contact: Kimberly Cook
Learn More:

Mamie’s Poppy Plates is a local non-profit that provides remembrance plates for families who have lost a baby or child. Each plate is hand painted by a local artist and has the baby’s footprints/handprints on it. Plates are shipped to families across the country. Last year, Mamie’s gifted more than 1,800 plates. Mamie’s also provides a community for these grief families. 
Contact: Rebecca Scaife
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Mission Cards are greeting cards designed by St. Andrew’s members, which can be bought at various times throughout the year. All proceeds go to one of St. Andrew’s mission partners.
Contact: Vicki Morse

YoungLife introduces adolescents in Little Rock to Jesus and helps them grow in their faith. Young people’s lives are dramatically influenced when caring adults come alongside them, sharing God’s love. Young Life is the first step of a lifelong journey; the choices they make today, based on God’s love for them, will have an impact on future decisions.
Contact: Erin Green
Learn More:

YoungLife Capernaum is part of a a non-profit ministry that introduces adolescents and young adults with disabilities to Jesus Christ and helps them grow in their faith!
Contact: Amber Waldron
Learn More:

Western Hills Elementary School Partnership provides students at Western Hills elementary with tutoring, mentoring and support. From helping learn how to write their name in kindergarten to providing school supplies each year, St. Andrew’s is committed to supporting Western Hills Elementary School and building relationship with the families that attend the school. 
Contact: Mary Carole Smith

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Global Missions


Anglican Associates equips leaders with the highest quality leadership training and preparation for planting high impact churches in North American cities and regions and to “the ends of the earth.”

Contact: David Young; The Very Rev Dr. John Shuler
Learn More:


Beatitudes is a non-profit ministry born out of St. Andrew’s Haiti Ministry that partners with a local women’s program on the island of La Gonave, Haiti to empower the poor through vocational training and job creation.

Local contact: Sandy Chai
Learn More:


Diocese of Kibondo, a new diocese in northwestern Tanzania, is overseen by St. Andrew’s consecrating bishop, Sospeter Ndenza. We are partnering with the Anglican Church there to support the training of local pastors and the building of new churches in this rapidly growing community of believers.

Contact: The Rt. Rev. Sospeter Ndenza
Local Contact: The Rt. Rev. Robert Cook
Learn More:


Malachi Ministries International trains and nurtures pastors and church leaders around the world while also operating a sponsorship program for Cambodian Orphans.

Local contacts: Jim MillerEmilie Miller

New Anglican Missionary Society (NAMS) is a global and dispersed community of men and women raised up by God for the 21st century, but rooted in the life and faith of the first century. NAMS exists to help spread the gospel to all people, train and equip disciple-making disciples and leaders, and send trained and equipped people all around the globe.

Local Contact: The Rev. Canon Dr. Jon Shuler
Learn More:

She Walks in Light International works globally to help local pastors and leaders meet the spiritual and practical needs of women and children.

Local Contact: Rachel Hunt


St. Simon and St. Jude is an Episcopal congregation in Platon Balai, Haiti, and our sister church/school. Our ministry to them is one of support and encouragement through evangelism, education, community development, health care, prayer and friendship.

Local Contact: Sandy Chai
Learn More:

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Our Missionaries


Joshua Hetzel is serving with Wycliffe Bible Translators in their member care department. He provides pastoral care to new members from when they join the organization through 1st term of service (2-5 years). He assists them in preparing for the field, and is a point of contact for when the hard/difficult days come. He also serves established members who need some form of intervention in order to return well to serving with Wycliffe.

Contact: Joshua Hetzel
Learn More:

Lee Scarbrough is serving with Beautiful Feet in Kampala, Uganda, working with the recovery community in Kampala.

Contact: Lee Scarbrough
Learn More: Facebook

Joel and Cinthya Tumlison serve in Kazakhstan with In His Image International. IHII envisions the nations be transformed through family medicine education and healthcare. Since the establishment of the 501 (c) (3) organization, In His Image International, in 2005, over 85 overseas trips have been conducted involving family medicine education, medical clinics and disaster/crisis relief trips. More than 6,000 local nationals and medical professionals have been trained and educated by In His Image medical teams and well over 16,000 individuals have received life-changing medical care. 

Contact: Cinthya Tumlison

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