Giving is an act of worship.
It is gratefulness for God’s overwhelming generosity to us that moves us to give. As we daily submit our resources to Christ, we are recognizing that every good thing that we have comes from God, and that all we have belongs to him. As we give, we are living into the reality that Jesus is indeed Lord of every area of our lives, that he is our true hope and security. There is real joy and freedom in this.
Though God does not need our money, he calls us, in love, to give. This call is an invitation to learn, ever more, to put our trust in him. It is an invitation to participate in the work that he is doing in the world. It is an invitation to become more like him, as giving is an act that has the power to change what we love. “Where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.” (Luke 12:34)
There are four ways to give to St. Andrew’s: in person during Sunday services, mail a check, drop off a check or give online. Instructions for each way are detailed below.
Sunday Morning
Simply drop your financial gift in the offering plate as it is passed during the service. This is also a great place to place your prayer cards.
Mail a Check
Simply place your check in an envelope and address it to:
St. Andrew’s Church
Accounting Office
8300 Kanis Road
Little Rock, AR 72204
Drop Off a Check
If you’d rather drop a check off at the office, you can place it in the mail slot in the outside kitchen door (the gray door on your left as you are coming in the main doors under the portico). This mail slot drops into a locked box and is checked by our accounting department regularly.
Give Online
Use St. Andrew’s Online Giving Portal to pay online via card or directly from your connected bank account.
Online Giving Portal Instructions

1. Click here to go to St. Andrew’s online giving portal.
2. Fill in the following details:
Give: how much you want to give
Frequency: One time or regularly
If you choose regularly, you will be given the option of how often (weekly, every other week, monthly, twice-monthly) and when (day or date).
Email: the email you want St. Andrew’s communication to go to
Name: your name
3. You then have a choice of how to give: ACH (through your bank account) or Debit/Credit card.
Both options are available for St. Andrew’s giving; however ACH is significantly cheaper to process. ACH costs St. Andrew’s $0.25 per transaction regardless of the amount. Processing a debit/credit card transactions costs 2.15% + $0.30 per transaction.
ACH Transactions

1. Click on the arrow to the right of Add Bank Account
2. If you bank at a national bank, you can verify your account more quickly. Simply click on the Instantly Verify Your Account button, click the blue Continue button in the pop-widow and select your bank from the pop-up window.
This will prompt you to login to your online bank account to verify the connection.
3. If you bank at a local or regional bank, you will need to manually verify your account. Click on the manually verify your account link.
Enter your bank account information in the correct boxes and click Start bank verification & email me instructions.
You will receive an email with instructions on how to finish verifying your account.
Debit/Credit Card Transactions

1. Click on the arrow to the right of Add debit/credit card.
2. Enter your debit or credit card information and click the Start giving button below.