Adult classes and studies are a time our community sets aside in order to plunge deeper into the “what” and “how” of living in God’s Kingdom. Taking time to submit ourselves in study under God’s Word is part of how the Spirit transforms us more in Jesus’ image by seeking the renewal of our minds.
Because we desire to study God’s Word as disciples of Jesus, not as disinterested religious students, our goal is that we would not simply walk away having acquired more information about God, but rather walk away having our hearts pierced by God’s gracious Word (Hebrews 4:12) with a greater vision for following Jesus in his Kingdom.
Spring A3 | January 19–March 30
In keeping with our mission to make disciples who make disciples, St. Andrew’s Church offers a robust adult Sunday school curriculum comprising three tracks: Core, Electives and Bible.
Each semester will be broken into two 8-10 weeks quarters and with three classes per quarter, which gives six different class opportunities each semester.

Are you new to St. Andrew’s? This class is for you! Everyone is welcome to attend this edition of the Newcomers’ Class as we learn what Anglicans believe, the history, vision and values of St. Andrew’s and explore how discipleship and liturgy function as the foundation for experiencing God’s transformative grace in everyday life.

Prayer is a vital component of being a disciple of Christ. This class is aimed at laying out basic understanding, and then quickly moving toward doing, with the ultimate goal of providing prayer practices that a person can use to start and/or deepen their prayer life. Practices will focus on both inward- and outward-focused prayer. It should be a safe place to practice praying, ask questions and be encouraged in prayer for, and with, each other.

Join us as we read and study the book of Isaiah. This class will introduce the big-picture view of the book of Isaiah and its historical backdrop, explore key themes and characters (e.g., “the day of the Lord,” new creation, Isaiah of Jerusalem, servant[s] of the Lord), and help deepen your understanding of Old Testament prophecy. We’ll consider how Jesus and the writers of the New Testament understood this book and its good news about God’s plan to rescue and restore his people.
The class format includes teaching and group discussion, as well as at-home assignments. It will run for the whole spring semester.
Gifted teachers bring to life the beauty of God’s word in an environment where relationships are built and people are able to interact in a conversational and relaxed setting. As we engage with God and his word in community with one another, we invite the Holy Spirit to come and renew our minds, reorder our priorities and reshape our habits around the person and work if Jesus Christ.
women’s groups

The Parables of Jesus
Wednesdays, beginning February 5 | 10 a.m. | Andrew Room
Please join our class as we meditate on selected parables of Jesus, have small group discussions and explore the historical context and meaning based on David Stern’s Jewish New Testament Commentary. No purchase required and no homework given. Come and be refreshed and renewed!
Sign up Dooty Keet

art fellowship
Thursdays | 10 a.m. | Peri Neale’s home
Ladies, come and share your time, talents and thoughts with us! We have snacks and coffee, lots of fellowship and laughs … and get a little art done. We have a wonderful art space at Peri Neale’s home with room for 15 ladies, and we would love to fill the space to capacity. We’d love for you to join us.
men’s groups

Men’s Fellowship
Tuesdays | 11:45 a.m. | Andrew Room
Come and study through Esther with a fellowship of men of all ages. Join us in our journey with Jesus. PBJ sandwiches and drinks provided.
Contact: Martin Menees—501.224.0578