Traveling Table: Cafe’ Bossa Nova

Location: Cafe' Bossa Nova Host: Marian Forrest Join Marian and five other women for dinner at Cafe' Bossa Nova. Sign up here

Event Series Growing in Grace

Growing in Grace

A complimentary dinner is followed by a recovery service and a small-group, recovery meeting.  GiG Kids ministers to the children of  those parents who attend GiG and is available for […]

Sips and Dips

Location: Sarah Somers' home Bring your favorite dip to share and fellowship with other moms (of children 10 years old and younger). Sign up here

Heart to Heart

Hosts: Kimberly Cook & Joanna Douglass Location: St. Andrew's Commons Speaker: Kimberly Cook These evenings will include dessert, large group fun, and hearing from women we have asked to share […]

Cooking with Cathy

Host: Cathy Lamb Location: St. Andrew's Kitchen  Join Cathy Lamb to prepare freezer meals to have for new moms, those who are ill or have just moved.   Sign up […]

Event Series Growing in Grace

Growing in Grace

A complimentary dinner is followed by a recovery service and a small-group, recovery meeting.  GiG Kids ministers to the children of  those parents who attend GiG and is available for […]

Bike (or walk) & Brunch

Host: Gretchen Newkirk Location: Clinton Library  We will meet in the Clinton Library parking lot and divide up into small groups of people with similar speeds and walk or bike […]

Traveling Table: Big Orange West

Host: Carrie Spradlin Location: Big Orange West   Join Carrie and five other women for dinner at Big Orange West Little Rock.   Sign up here