Prayer is a vital part of who we are at St. Andrew’s. When we pray, we come with an expectancy of the work that God longs to do in us and through us. Prayer is a vital part of spiritual formation as we come submitting the whole of our lives to our Savior. We present our requests before the Lord remembering that “the Lord is good and his steadfast love endures forever.” (Psalm 100:5)
We care about you and want to pray with you.
- During both worship services, members of our prayer team are available to pray with you during communion through the end of the worship service.
- Prayer cards are available in the back of each seat for you to fill out a prayer request or praise. They are collected during the offering and members of the prayer team gather every monday morning to pray for the cards received each Sunday.
- Prayer requests can also be emailed to our prayer chain.
A central theme in the message of Jesus was that he came to set the captives free. Occasionally, we have a prayer and healing service for those seeking physical, spiritual, emotional healing, healing for broken relationships, family issues, forgiveness or any other wounds from the past or current places of pain. Come and lay your burdens at the cross. Everyone is welcome to this powerful service.