Latin–meaning work of the people

St. Andrew’s order of worship–our liturgy–is about God, God’s story and our place within it. In liturgical worship, ancient practices of the Christian faith meet modern application; the timeless truth of the Gospel finds relevant expression in a powerful way.

Worship at St. Andrew’s provides a holy, relational and participatory environment to love and magnify God with our heart, soul, mind and strength. Liturgy transcends the ever-changing realities of our daily lives. We can count on it to bring us back to things that are true and constant.


singingAs we enter into worship, we do so joining our voices together as one body to sing to the Lord a new song and proclaim his excellencies. The congregation is the primary musical ensemble gathered to praise our Lord.

We recognized the beauty in worship music across time. Using a variety of songs to praise the Lord helps us to both honor the past and embrace the time in which we live. If you are not comfortable singing a particular song, we invite you to just listen to the words and be encouraged by the truth others are singing.

Praise to the Lord! O let all that is in me adore him!
All that hath life and breath, come now with praises before him!
Let the amen sound from his people again;
Gladly forever we adore him.

–Praise to the Lord, the Almighty, Joachim Neander


We recognize that we come as broken people in need of experiencing the mercy and grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. The Confession is a time where we open ourselves to the Lord, recognizing our sin, admitting our unworthiness and receiving the forgiveness that is ours in Christ, not by what we can do, but by what Jesus has done for us.


A Collect is a short prayer that has a singular focus. These prayers come from the Book of Common Prayer and are each meant to be read on a specific Sunday throughout the liturgical year.


We believe that the whole Bible speaks of God’s glorious Gospel. Therefore, each Sunday, we read a passage from the Old or New Testaments, a Psalm and a Gospel passage.


The Nicene and Apostles Creeds are statements of faith written by the early church and recited by the people after the sermon. Christians recite the Creeds to recommit their lives to Christ and to be reminded of the One in whom they believe. The Creeds also proclaim succinctly what Christians believe to those interested in becoming believers in Jesus Christ.


In prayer we listen to the Lord, give thanks, present our petitions and requests, and lift up the needs, corporately and individually.


This is a time where we are reminded of the peace of Christ given because of the Gospel. It is also a time for us to make peace with one another before we come to the communion table.


We celebrate communion each Sunday because we believe communion is a tangible way to experience the grace of our Savior. We believe that communion is a ‘means of grace’ through which the Lord richly blesses us. We believe it is not just a remembering of the work of Christ, but a present communion with Christ himself, where we find strength, renewal and spiritual nourishment.