This school year, we are beginning a new discipleship pathway that will help us re-frame our faith as we submit the real stuff of our lives to be transformed by the gospel. We will look at basic Christian truths that we take for granted and how our culture has twisted our thought process about each truth. We’ll look for the lie in each twist and ask how Christ is inviting us to go from the lie to the truth in some actionable way. From 6-7:30 p.m. every other Monday night from August 22–November 14, we’ll meet together at the church for a family dinner, a short teaching and small group discussion. On the off weeks, the small groups will split up into 2 groups (A & B) and meet to go deeper in the discussion of the previous week’s topic. When we say family, we do mean family. Children will eat dinner with us and then head to their own classes for an age-appropriate study.
For more information and to register, click here.