Family Ministry
Planting Spiritual Seeds in the Next Generation
“Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs.” Matthew 19:14
“Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.” Matthew 18:5
At St. Andrew’s, we believe that every child who comes through our doors is a uniquely crafted creation, made in His image; worthy of value, dignity and unconditional love. We long for our children to know that they can boldly approach the throne of God confident of His enormous love for them, knowing they are His pride and joy, that His heart breaks with theirs and He cries at their pain.
In Beginnings, our ministry to infants through preschoolers, we know that, despite their young age, the Holy Spirit is working in our little one’s lives, just as he works in ours. We desire to partner with parents by providing a safe, loving and secure environment where the kingdom of God can invade their hearts and change their lives.
Encounter Kids (K-5th)
Kindergarten begins a whole new season of life! Over the next few years, kids will experience a world much larger than the one they had previously known. With all of these new sights, thoughts and developments, we want to be sure there is one thing they encounter above all else: the wonder, mystery and power of a God who is too big for them to define, yet who has proven through time and space that He loves them intimately and unconditionally. We want them to encounter JESUS.
We believe this is best achieved through the combined influences of both the church and the family environments as we partner together to disciple our children for Christ. Discipleship is of upmost priority for us, and this is attained through building relationships with our children. As they get to know us, they should glimpse the heart of God for them. As we get to know them, we build trust and gain authority to speak into their lives. We work to create an atmosphere that is both nurturing and encouraging, and creates a space where children can explore the great and unshakable truths of God.
As represented by the handprint in the logo, when we genuinely encounter the living God, He leaves His mark on our lives and shapes who we are forever. Our deepest identity lies in knowing who we are as His children. The heartbeat of this ministry is to create a space where we lead our children to encountering God and His profound love for each of them. Every lesson we teach, every event we hold, every relationship we build has, at its core, the primary purpose of leading our children to the One who knows and loves them completely.
Student Ministry
We’re not going to tell you what it means, ask a student!
At St. Andrew’s, we believe that every student who comes through our doors is a uniquely crafted creation, made in His image; worthy of value, dignity and unconditional love. We long for our youth to know that they can boldly approach the throne of God confident of His enormous love for them, knowing they are His pride and joy, that His heart breaks with theirs and He cries at their pain.
At DASH, our student ministry, we desire to helping adolescents to become disciples who make disciples, by demonstrating, teaching and loving them through a relational Gospel-oriented, Christ-centered community that is attractive to the outside world for its authenticity and love for God. It is our hope that our students leave for college knowing who they are, whose they are and what their calling is. Everything we do is bathed in the idea that our God is exciting, passionate, fun-loving, laughing, relational, and intentional with each of us. If you think God is boring, than you have the wrong God.
The students thoughts and opinions on the direction and shape of their student ministry is greatly encouraged. After all, it is for them. We are small enough to know everyone, but big enough that no one has to be alone.
Sunday school is a relaxed, co-ed, small-group setting that encourages discussion, ranging from practical to abstract, pertaining to the Sunday scripture readings and sermon.
Students gather at 6 p.m. to share a meal together; singing, teaching and discussion follow. It is an upbeat, fun night built upon the foundations of Scripture and how the truths of the Bible are connected to each other through calling, community, serving and loving in the manner of Jesus Christ who leads us into a life of adventure. This group is increasingly diverse (race, parent situation, socioeconomically, etc.), and the message is geared for believers and non-believers alike.